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Move the BugBug tool recording panel to another window

This one more specifically: I would prefer to have this in another window instead the incognito window that is running/recording the test. When running a test locally, could it be moved inside the page of the test being executed, the one with the steps? Here's a scenario that is a bit annoying for me: I click on "Run and stop here" somewhere in the middle of my test The test executes up until that point and stops The BugBug recording tool panel is in this state: It can sometimes happen that the place where I stop the test will have a modal already open in our software When I click the "Start recording" button, that will be registered as a "click outside" for our software modal which will close the modal So now I need to reopen the modal in our software, which leads to unnecessary recording of steps (the ones to open again the modal in our software) By moving the BugBug recording panel from the incognito window to another one, not only would I avoid the above scenario, but I wouldn't need to move it around in case it covers certain elements in our software (and these movements can also register as "clicks outside" that can trigger modals closing). And for more flexibility, maybe this could be a setting so user can choose depending on their preference? I fully understand this is an edge case and might need a lot of rethinking of the current system, so for me this is a low prio feature request. :)

Marius COJOCARIU 3 months ago